KAN-therm: KAN-therm SMART Automation System - Introduction
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KAN-therm SMART Automation System - Introduction

Smart and inteligent – KAN-therm’s the new wireless flooring automation system – KAN-them Smart

A comfortable and energy-saving home is the goal and dream of modern families planning their newly built or modernized houses or apartments. Their heating is one of the major factors determining the household expenditure, the sense of safety and the comfort of living. Surface heating systems (flooring or wall heating) are the answer to these demands. However, as with any heating system, surface heating requires proper operation and control. Precise controllers regulating room temperature offer proper thermal comfort on the one hand, and allow for making considerable energy savings on the other hand. Regulation may be performed manually or automatically, applying adequate sensors, regulators and servomotors.

The demands of users keep growing. Apart from reliability and effectiveness of operation of these devices, they demand problem-free, intuitive operation, multiple configuration options, including remote control, using mobile devices, such as laptops or smartphones. Another essential aspect is the attractive esthetic of these devices and the possibility of extending the systems in the future.

KAN-therm’s offer of surface heating and cooling systems includes a series of state of the art solutions for device control and for automatic temperature regulation. Plus, there is an extensive offer of technically-advanced wireless devices, communicating via radio frequencies, simplifying the assembly of heating units and eliminating problems and costs related to distributing dozens of meters of wiring within the building. These are virtually indispensable when adding more equipment to the existing automation or modernizing existing installations. 


KAN-therm Smart devices are a completely new generation of automation elements of this group, offering unprecedented functionalities and services. These automation elements are used for performing wireless control and regulation of temperature and other parameters of heating and cooling systems, which determine the sense of comfort in the rooms. The system offers a series of advanced supplementary functions, making the operation of the heating system exceptionally effective, cost-efficient and user-friendly.

The basic element, the heart of the KAN-therm Smart system is a state of the art, wireless electrical panel with a LAN connection. The panel uses radio frequency (868 MHz, two-directional transmission) to communicate with wireless, elegant thermostats with LCD displays, serving as room temperature sensors and for displaying the settings and information on the control of the entire system. Through the panel, the information is passed to end-devices – state of the art, energy-saving KAN-therm Smart servomotors located in the valves of the heating (or cooling) circuit manifolds. The panels and servomotors are offered in two power supply options – 230V and 24V. Depending on the version, the panel may support 4, 8 or 12 thermostats operating, correspondingly, 6, 12 or 18 servomotors.

KAN-therm Smart is a multifunctional system that operates and regulates the temperature in various heating zones, switches through heating/cooling modes, operates the heat source and pump work, and controls the humidity of air in the cooling mode. The panels allow for connecting a temperature limiter and an external control clock. Moreover, the system can also perform pump and valve protection (when launched after longer overhauls), protection against frost and excessive temperatures.

The technological advancement level of the system is indicated by the method of installing and configuring its components. These may be performed in several ways:

  • Configuration using a microSD card. Using a computer and intuitive KAN-therm Manager software, you can enter individual settings to be transferred onto a panel equipped with a card reader using a microSD memory card.
  • Remote configuration of the panel connected to the Internet or a household network, using the KAN-therm Manager program interface.
  • Direct configuration from the level of every wireless KAN-therm Smart thermostat (equipped with an LCD display).

In each case, the process of configuring and operating the system is installer- and user-friendly. Many processes are carried out automatically, and settings entered at the thermostat level or at the level of KAN-therm Manager software, are performed intuitively. The system allows for performing very simple extensions and updates of panel settings.

Thanks to radio technology, in the case of larger installations including 2 to 3 electrical KAN-therm Smart panels, there is a possibility of coupling multiple panels into one system allowing for mutual communication.